
Thank you for visiting the homepage of the Gangnam
Severance Heart Brain Vascular Hospital.
Ever since August 2016, SHBVH (Severance Heart Brain vascular hospital: Cardiovascular, Aorta, Neurovascular, and Rehabilitation Centers ) has been doing great in the fields of heart, aorta and brain vascular system diseases.
First of all, We are here to lead cooperation of the eminent experts with multidisplanary medical teams and provide complex vascular interventions in the fields of heart, aorta, brain vascular diseases through the fast and critical pathway and leading-edge technology, such as the TAVR, aorta hybrid intervention, electrical ablation/pacemaker therapy and heart transplantaion.
Now heart, Aorta and brain vascular diseases are one of the most critical and life threatening disease and usually need the critical and emergency care with the specialized team approach. Through the SHBVH, we hope our teams to become a pioneer in cultivating and supplying Heart , Aorta, Brian vascular therapeutic medicine throughout korea-Asian Pacific nations. Furthermore, We hope SHBVH with progressive development to become the best point of care hospital in the fields of heart, aorta, and brain vascular diseases.
Thank you.
Director of Gangnam Severance Heart Brain Vascular Hospital,
Yonsei University Health System